Ecommerce Gateway Pakistan’s # 1 Events Organizor provides marketing and sales opportunities to reach your audience. Exhibit with Ecommerce Gateway Pakikstan, we’ll help you move your technology to market.
Reach prequalified buyers
Establish alliances with vendors
Learn about your industry’s future
Build product and brand awareness
Differentiate your offerings
Test market new products
Stay ahead of your competition
Why Exhibit? Exhibitions are one of the most effective mediums for establishing and maintaining customer relations. In an increasingly digital age, they are the only media where buyer, seller and product physically come together – a potent force for business.
Highly targeted With their tightly focused profiles and carefully targeted audiences, trade exhibitions are highly cost-effective sales and marketing platforms. ECG Exhibitions is committed to delivering business contacts that create value for each and every customer. Through buyer clubs, appointment setting systems etc, and on-line visitor planning services, we match the needs of buyers and suppliers ever more closely.
Flexible Exhibitions provide a highly flexible environment in which a wide range of sales and marketing objectives can be achieved, from generating sales leads and launching new products, to building brand image, maintaining customer relations and appointing new agents. With a wealth of exposure opportunities, from stand presence and sponsorship, to seminars and competitions, and awards, together with our web sites, ECG events provide a dynamic environment for your sales and marketing activities.
A two-way communication process Unlike magazines and direct mail, exhibitions involve a two-way communication process. Visitors can question, challenge and debate. Exhibitors can give and seek information. Most importantly, business is conducted face to face – the most persuasive form of selling, and of building customer relationships.
The buyer comes to you Exhibition visitors are pro-active rather than passive recipients of your sales and marketing messages. They make a conscious decision to attend, and set aside valuable time to do so. Many are specifiers and influencers who it might otherwise be impossible to identify.
Neutral sales environment The buyer feels under no great pressure to buy, while the seller is not apprehensive about visiting the buyer on his home territory.
A three-dimensional media Whilst an advert, direct mailing or web page may say a product is the fastest, quietest, smallest or most advanced on the market, at an exhibition, buyers can see, taste, touch and try your product for themselves. Nothing beats the impact of a live demonstration.
Fast market penetration You can reach a large proportion of the market in a short space of time. Whether you are looking to raise your company profile, change market perceptions or generate sales leads, you can achieve more in four days at an exhibition than you might otherwise achieve in months.
Exhibitions are also one of the quickest and most cost-effective means of exploring and entering new export markets.
Individually, the benefits listed are not unique to exhibitions but what is unusual is their combination in a single, highly flexible promotional tool. Exhibitions combine the mass-reach of advertising, the targeting of direct mail, the persuasive power of face-to-face selling, and the networking benefits of the Internet, to create a unique environment in which a wide range of sales and marketing objectives can be pursued, either singly, or side by side.
Why Visit?There are many ways of sourcing product and supplier information, but only exhibitions allow you to put a suppliers’ claims comprehensively to the test easily and cost effectively – by examining the products for yourself, questioning their creators, and comparing and contrasting their performance. Specifically, visitors attend exhibitions to:
See what’s new Exhibitions are a recognised launch pad for new products, and an extremely time-efficient way to keep up to date with the latest innovations.
Evaluate products and suppliers You can compile a wide range of competitive information on products and suppliers in a concentrated period of time. According to the US Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR), decision-makers are more likely to name trade shows as an ‘extremely useful’ source of purchasing information than any other media.
Keep abreast of industry and market developments Exhibitions are a rich source of new ideas and applications and, as such, play an important role in strategic planning and business generation. ECG works closely with sponsoring trade associations and the media to ensure our events are at the forefront of developments.
To network/develop business contacts Exhibitions are a focal point for industry, attracting a broad cross-section of representatives, from buyers and sellers, to trade associations and the media. A full programme of associated activities at ECG events provide a wealth of additional networking opportunities from seminars and social events, to competitions and award ceremonies.
Other common reasons for attending exhibitions include:
To consolidate business relationships
To solve specific problems
To find new markets
To appoint agents/seek principals
To discuss specific terms/conditions/pricing
To obtain technical knowledge
To discuss business needs in a neutral environment